Work-Life Balance According to Todd

Todd came into my life when Julie adopted a kitten (after years of coaxing me). He quickly became my special little man. And that's when I realized I had officially reached middle age and saw my future unfold as a crazy cat lady. No regrets.

This post is a shameless celebration of Todd couched in a popular topic -- work-life balance. Work-life balance is in and of itself an inaccurate term because it implies that work is somehow separate from life. Work-life rhythm has started to gain some popularity as a term -- but I think it still features a false divide.

In any case, I think we've all heard the term and can agree on what it means. Work-life balance means taking breaks from work and effort-filled activities. It means taking time for nourishment -- nutritional and emotional. And it means enjoying our friends, family, and furry companions.

Here's how Todd makes sure I'm observing work-life balance.

First, Todd provides comfort to me throughout the day when I'm working from home (mostly virtually, on Zooms and typing away on my laptop... lots of screen time). Here's a photo of him sleeping in the chair next to my desk. I can just look over and see him relaxing without a kitty care in the world. He provides a dose of oxytocin anytime I need it.

Todd lets me know when it's break time. Like clockwork. First he rubs his head against my hand. If that doesn't work, he nudges my hand away from the computer mouse. And if that still doesn't work, well, he just sits on my laptop. Sometimes he hits the airplane mode button or mutes my audio. He's also changed the settings on my email and managed to type in lots of random letters. But he's effective. I am forced to take time for a break, whether that means burying my face in his fur or taking a quick walk around the house. And most importantly (according to him), he makes sure that we both get snack time.

And what about on the weekends? This is a kitty who knows how to relax. Case in point: he can tell when I'm having trouble winding down on a Saturday. He settles in my lap and snoozes, where I can watch his breathing rise and fall. It's a good reminder to regulate my own breathing: belly breaths -- rising and falling.

Who's helping you with your work-life balance?

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